Tarot de Dürer
Dublin Core
Tarot de Dürer
Tarot of Durer
Tarot di Dürer
78 cards plus a title card and an advertising card. Packaged with a standard LWB in a standard cardboard tuck box.
Cards are 12 cm tall x 6.5 cm wide.
Card titles appear in 5 languages along the left borders.
Justice is 8 and Strength is 11.
The Fool is numbered as 0 and Death is numbered as 13.
The majors follow TdM conventions, but the minors display a strong RWS influence and are fully scenic.
The art, while contemporary, is deliberately made to look antique, complete with fake age spots worked into the background.
Backs are non-reversible and printed in green and white.
The card stock is typical Lo Scarabeo quality -- smoothly coated, sturdy, and flexible.
Suits are Chalices, Pentacles, Wands, and Swords in English. In the other languages, however, the Pentacles suit is called Coins (Deniers, etc.).
Courts are Knave, Knight, Queen, and King.
Latin mottos appear at the bottom of each of the major arcana cards.
For an "art deck," this is unexpectedly readable and useable, with truly unique and fascinating art. Definitely a deck worth owning for readers and collectors alike.
Cards are 12 cm tall x 6.5 cm wide.
Card titles appear in 5 languages along the left borders.
Justice is 8 and Strength is 11.
The Fool is numbered as 0 and Death is numbered as 13.
The majors follow TdM conventions, but the minors display a strong RWS influence and are fully scenic.
The art, while contemporary, is deliberately made to look antique, complete with fake age spots worked into the background.
Backs are non-reversible and printed in green and white.
The card stock is typical Lo Scarabeo quality -- smoothly coated, sturdy, and flexible.
Suits are Chalices, Pentacles, Wands, and Swords in English. In the other languages, however, the Pentacles suit is called Coins (Deniers, etc.).
Courts are Knave, Knight, Queen, and King.
Latin mottos appear at the bottom of each of the major arcana cards.
For an "art deck," this is unexpectedly readable and useable, with truly unique and fascinating art. Definitely a deck worth owning for readers and collectors alike.
Gaudenzi, Giacinto (artist)
Toraldo, Manfredi (concept)
Donelli, Isa (instructions)
Lo Scarabeo
78 cards
TdM and RWS
Gaudenzi, Giacinto (artist), Toraldo, Manfredi (concept), and Donelli, Isa (instructions), “Tarot de Dürer,” The Osborne Tarot Collection, accessed September 8, 2024, https://tarot.zerosummer.org/items/show/42.
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